Cement concrete design/trial mix material calculator

What is the cement concrete?

Cement concrete is the mix of all cement concrete content which is used for concrete. Cement concrete content is cement, sand, aggregate, potable water, and admixture.

For cement concrete generally two types of mix used in civil engineering industry which is written below-

  1. Nominal mix- nominal mix is the predefined ratio of concrete content according to 28days strength of concrete with 100% compaction, 95% of humidity and 28days curing with temperature of 28°C ± 5°C.
  2. Design mix- design mix is the ratio of trial and calculation of concrete strength according to nominal mix predefined ratio and lab test of cube strength, concrete content test like as cement cube test, sand and aggregate test as per IS code some is strength test , bulk density test, voids test, silt test, elongation test, sieve analysis, chemical test like abraison if required, physical test like size and shape, and specific gravity etc.

Cement concrete design/trial mix material calculator:

Soved has created design/trial mix concrete content material quantity calculator. We can also use this concrete design/trial mix material calculator for design of concrete content ratio.

Concrete design/trial mix material

Concrete design mix grade:
Concrete Qty in CUM:
Select ratio/qty unit type:
weight(kg) volume(cum)
Cement Ratio/qty in 1cum:
Coarse sand Ratio/qty in 1cum:
10mm/Graded aggregate Ratio/qty in 1cum :
20mm/Graded aggregate Ratio/qty in 1cum :
40mm/Graded aggregate Ratio/qty in 1cum :
Water/cement Ratio:
Admixture1 qty (per kg cement):
Admixture2 qty (per kg cement):
Admixture3 qty (per kg cement):
Dry mix volume coefficient:
Cement density (Kg/cum):
Sand density (Kg/cum):
10mm/graded Aggregate density (Kg/cum):
20mm/graded Aggregate density (Kg/cum):
40mm/graded Aggregate density (Kg/cum):

Example: calculate the material list for 1cum concrete by weight and volume, concrete mix ratio of 1:2:4 and also calculate 25cum concrete mix material quantity if mix design available with quantities for 1cum M30 grade concrete, which is cement OPC 43grade- 410.3kg, water- 151.8, Sand- 652.337kg, 10mm aggregate- 505.73kg, 20mm aggregate- 758.596kg, admixture- 4.1kg(1% of cement).

Solution: 1cum cement concrere mix material quantities calculation-
If mix ratio unit type in volume:

Concrete content mix ratio- 1:2:4
Cement ratio= 1
Coarse sand ratio= 2
20mm graded aggregate ratio= 4
Dry mix volume coefficient= 1.54
Volume of concrete= 1Cum
Dry mix volume of concrete= 1*1.54= 1.54Cum
Sum of all ratio= 1+2+4= 7
Cement quantity= 1.54*1/7= 0.22Cum
Cement density= 1440Kg/Cum
Cement quantity= 0.22*1440= 316.8Kg
Coarse sand quantity= 1.54*2/7= 0.44Cum
Coarse sand density= 1600Kg/Cum
Coarse sand quantity= 0.44*1600= 704Kg
20mm graded aggregate quantity= 1.54*4/7= 0.88Cum
20mm graded aggregate density= 1450Kg/Cum
20mm graded aggregate quantity= 0.88*1450= 1276Kg
Total weight of dry mix content= 316.8+704+1276= 2296.8Kg

If mix ratio unit type in weight:

Concrete content mix ratio- 1:2:4
Cement ratio= 1
Coarse sand ratio= 2
20mm graded aggregate ratio= 4
Sum of all ratio= 1+2+4= 7
Dry mix volume coefficient= 1.54
Volume of concrete= 1Cum
Cement density= 1440Kg/Cum
Coarse sand density= 1600Kg/Cum
20mm graded aggregate density= 1450Kg/Cum
Dry mix weight of concrete per Cum= 1.54*(1*1440+2*1600+4*1450)/7= 2296.8Kg
Cement quantity= 2296.8*1/7= 328.11Kg
Cement density= 1440Kg/Cum
Cement quantity= 328.11/1440= 0.228Cum
Coarse sand quantity= 2296.8*2/7= 656.228Kg
Coarse sand density= 1600Kg/Cum
Coarse sand quantity= 656.228/1600= 0.41Cum
20mm graded aggregate quantity= 2296.8*4/7= 1312.457Kg
20mm graded aggregate density= 1450Kg/Cum
20mm graded aggregate quantity= 1312.457/1450= 0.905Cum

Note-We have seen that volume and weight mix ratio is same but quantities are different, Its due to different density. So if you are want to same quantity in volume and weight, then the ratio needs to be converted.

If mix design quantities available:

M30 grade cement concrete mix design quantities for 1cubic meter are-
Cement OPC 43grade- 410.3Kg
water- 151.8Kg
Coarse Sand- 652.337kg
10mm aggregate- 505.73kg
20mm aggregate- 758.596kg
admixture- 4.1kg(1% of cement)
Calcualte quantities for 25cum concrete
This calculation is very simple just multiply by 25 with per cubic meter quantities of M30 grade cement concrete content but for admixture multiply by cement quantity. Soved mix design/trial mix material calculator calculates same as a ratio method.

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