Age calculator

What is age calculator?

An age calculator is a tool or program that helps determine a person’s age or any thing’s based on their birth date or start date and the current date or end date. It calculates the difference between the two dates to determine the number of years, months, days, or other units of time that have passed since the person’s birth or anything’s birth. Age calculators can be found online at “” website. They are convenient for quickly determining someone’s age without having to manually perform the calculations. These calculators can also be used to calculate the age difference between two individuals or to find out someone’s age at a specific future date.

age calculator

Age calculator is:

Age Calculator

Start date(DOB):
End date(DOE):


What is the age?

Age is a term that is generally used to refer to the amount of time that has passed since the birth of a person or the birth of a thing. It is usually measured in years, although it can also be expressed in months, days, or other units of time. Age is often used to determine various aspects of a person’s life, such as legal rights and responsibilities, eligibility for certain activities or programs, and social or developmental milestones. It is an important factor in many areas of life, including education, employment, health care, and personal relationships.

What is the investment age?

Investment age is the difference between the date of investment in any deposit instrument and the date of disinvestment. Deposit instruments like fixed deposits, mutual funds, stocks, recurring deposits etc. are available.

How to calculate the age by age calculator?

There is two input field first is Start date(DOB) and second is End date(DOE) and two button first is Calculate age and second one is Reset.

Start date(DOB):

In this field, enter the date of birth of any individual or the date of commencement of any investment in the format of dd-mm-yyyy. In the date format, dd refers to the day of the date in numbers, mm refers to the month of the date, and yyyy refers to the year of the date.

End date(DOE):

In this field input any person’s expiry date/End date or date between which you want to calculate the age in the format of dd-mm-yyyy. And if you want to calculate the investment age of any deposit then also enter the last date of investment or disinvestment of date.
Make sure that End date (DOE) should be greater than Start date (DOB).

Calculate age:

After input the field of Start date(DOB) and End date(DOE), you can calculate age by click Calculate age button and get the age in the format of year, month, and day.


After calculation if you want to calculate second age then you just have to click on reset button and you can get blank input field. You can easily change the input field date if you don’t want to reset.

How to calculate the age by manually?

We will understand the calculation of age any person’s or any deposit by some simple and critical examples-

Example1- Suppose Mr. A born on date 25 October, 1987. And he is filling a form where required age in the format of years, month and day from the date of 30 December, 2023. And also calculate age in days.

Solution of example1-

Mr. A date of birth is 25-10-1989.

And date of form filling is 30-12-2023.

Now for calculation of age normally minus the date of birth or starting date from date of form filling or date of end in the format of end year to birth year, end month to birth month, and end day to birth day.

Suppose date2>date1 if date2= d2(day)-m2(month)-y2(year) and date1= d1(day)-m1(month)-y1(year) then Age= (date2-date1)

Or Age= date2-date1

Age= (d2-d1)day-(m2-m1)month-(y2-y1)year

So, Mr. A Age is= (30-25)day-(12-10)month-(2023-1989)year

Mr. A Age is= 5 day-2 month-34 year.

Age in days?

From date 25-10-1989 to 25-10-2023 total years is 34.

now for days we know that 1year=365 days and 1leap year=366 days.

So for leap year we know that which year divided by 4 known as leap year.

Leap year= 1990/4=497.5, 1991/4=497.75, 1992/4=498, 1992+4=1996, 1996+4=2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020.= 8Nos.

No of days by year from 25-10-1989 to 25-10-2023= 34*365+8*1=12418days

No of days by month from 25-10-2023 to 25-12-2023= 31+30= 61days

Balance no of days from 25-12-2023 to 30-12-2023=5days.

Age in days= 5+61+12418= 12484days.

Example2- suppose DOB= 20-11-1991, Current date=03-05-2023. Then Age?

Solution of example2-

DOB= 20-11-1991


Because of d2(03)<d1(20) so we will take 1month debit from m2(05) and add day equivalent to debit month.

so debit month is= 03-04-2023 to 03-05-2023

because of in 2023 April is 30days so debit month is in days= 30-3+3=30days.

so new DOE is= 33-04-2023

now compare month,

m2(04)<m1(11) so we will take 1year debit from y2(2023) and add month equivalent to debit year.

so new DOE is= 33-(04+12)-(2023-1).

New DOE is= 33-16-2022

Now is everything ok.

So Age= New DOE – DOB

Age= (33-20)-(16-11)-(2022-1991)

Age= 13day, 5month, 31years.

Questions for you-

Q1- calculate age between 21-01-2020 to 01-01-2023.

Q2- calculate age between 31-01-2023 to 01-03-2023.

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